List Of Aistė Žegulytė Movies (2025)

1. Aistė Žegulytė -

  • Bevat niet: list | Resultaten tonen met:list

  • Aistė Žegulytė studied Photographic Technology at the Vilnius University of Applied Engineering Sciences, after which she started Television and Cinema Directing at the Lithuanian Music and ...

2. Aistė Žegulytė | DOKweb

  • So far she has made several fictional and documentary short films. Currently, Aistė finished her first feature documentary film Animus Animalis (a story about ...

  • Institute of Documentary Film -

3. Animus Animalis - | watch online

4. Aistė Žegulytė — The Movie Database (TMDB)

  • Asmeninė informacija. Veikla Vadovavimas. Žinomi darbai 1. Lytis -. Gimtadienis -. Gimimo vieta -. Turinio užpildymas. 50. Dar truputis pastangų.

  • Aistė Žegulytė is known as an Director, Writer, irEditor. Some of their work includes Animus Animalis (istorija apie žmones, žvėris ir daiktus).

5. Fuzzy Fur and Fuzzier Ethics of Taxidermy: 'Animus Animalis', dir ...

  • 19 mrt 2020 · “Animus Animalis” director Aistė Žegulytė has been making short films, both documentary and narrative, for the past decade. “Animus Animalis ...

  • Two woman-made documentaries about people’s relationships with dead animals offer looks on the matter from various parts of the world and across the moral spectrum FROM LITHUANIA, CANADA, NETHERLANDS, SOUTH AFRICA, SWITZERLAND, UNITED STATES and

6. Aistė Žegulytė - Filmweb

7. Animus Animalis (a story about People, Animals and Things) - Meno Avilys

  • Documentary, 69 min, 2018. Director Aistė Žegulytė Producer Giedrė Burokaitė Cinematographer Vytautas Katkus Composers Gediminas Jakubka, Mindaugas Urbaitis

  • Documentary, 69 min, 2018 Director Aistė ŽegulytėProducer Giedrė BurokaitėCinematographer Vytautas KatkusComposers Gediminas Jakubka, Mindaugas UrbaitisEditor Mikas ŽukauskasSound designer Jonas Maksvytis A taxidermist, a deer farmer and a zoology museum worker live in the surroundings where the line between reality and artificiality has almost become imperceptible. While the dead beasts compete for the most vivid

8. Five Documentaries Every Animal Lover Should Watch | GuideDoc

  • ... documentary about our relationship with animals without actually showing live animals. As cruel as it may seem, Lithuanian director Aistė Žegulytė's film is ...

  • Animals are the most abundant living beings on the planet. The number of species is almost uncountable, as is their knowledge of nature. We, humans, have learned from them to be the intelligent and...

9. In the near future, as many as eight new works by domestic creators will ...

  • 6 aug 2019 · "Bridges of Time" was included in the list of the 10 best films ... Aistė Žegulytė. 2018). September 20 - "Invisible" (dir. Ignas Jonynas ...


10. Vilnius: The complete list of upcoming films from the Baltics and beyond

  • 5 apr 2017 · Up and coming director Aistė Žegulytė, together with a promising producer Giedrė Burokaitė will pitch their first full-length documentary ...

  • 25 film projects from 21 countries will be presented this Wednesday, at the 8th international film industry event Meeting Point – Vilnius. The projects were selected from more than 50 applications from the Baltic States as well as Central and Eastern Europe countries: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Geo...

List Of Aistė Žegulytė Movies (2025)


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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.